Saturday, May 31, 2008

Remember Jesus

How often do we forget Jesus. In a world that requires us to remember so much, pin numbers, account numbers, home computer passwords, office passwords, voicemail passwords, email passwords, parents birthdays, kids birthdays, friends birthdays, your own birthday. How easy is it for us to simply forget.

We all have done it, forget a birthday (I've made a decision to give my wife an entire week, so I never forget the day), forget an anniversary, forget your password, lock yourself out of your computer and have to call tech support. We all forget.

How easy it is to forget Jesus. Forget that He is not just our buddy, but our savior. Forget that is not just nice, but that all creation trembles at his voice, forget that he is not just our friend, but that He is our savior.

Take some time today to get to know Him again. Know what makes his heart beat, know what makes him happy, and know who he is.

Remember Jesus

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