Monday, March 17, 2008


Sorry to all 2 people that read this blog. It has been a while since my last blog. Here is a quick recap of my life the past couple of months.

God's has been good, life has been rough! For the last 10 years I have given everything I have to 50 young people, sometimes more, sometimes less. The last year it was been a struggle to keep the faith that the "tears will not overcome the wheat." I have had one young person that grew up wanting to be like me, now totally shutting me out. Other young people that I stood by as they struggled with friends, relationships and person situations, now tune my voice completely out, choosing to listen to others who do nothing but deceive and eventually destroy. I have given my time, energy, and my heart to these young people, and all I show is about 25% return on my investment. Now before you feel sorry for me, I have gotten over the sad stage and now into the rejoicing stage. The 75% that have tuned me our, blocked me, and simply ignored my advice have simply made a choice. One that I can't make for them, but would love to. They are living in a world that is "twisted." To them they are making sense, to everyone else they are completely lost. Don't cry :) I'm not. I have studied the ministry of Jesus even more as of late, and I found that out of the 12 he HAND picked, he lost 1. Even He could not win them all. In his parable of the seeds, he only kept 25% of the seed. This blew my mind, because that is the exact percent that I have kept as a youth pastor. In the parable, Jesus rejoiced over the 25%. That is become my new passion. To rejoice over the 25%. Those that are passionate about their relationship with God, passionate about their worship, passionate about their church, and passionate about their pastor. I believe in pastoral authority, holiness, worship, my church, my city, and my God. The TEARS will not overcome the WHEAT!


Lesh Photography said...

Derek, just found your blog from a link on another blog. As a pastors, we can relate to the 25% thing too! One thing we've learned is that you do the right thing regardless of the outcome, and as you put it, rejoice over the good. Love the ones closest to you and let God deal with the rest. We do what God enables us to do, and trust all of it to Him. That is hard to do when you are shepherding folks, but it takes the pressure off to know that He knows all of it, from the beginning to the end. I applaud you for keeping at it even when life can deal you the worst kind of junk.

Congratulations on your marriage!! Your wife looks sweet.

Lesh Photography said...

oops! didn't sign my name..Jennifer Johnson!

Derek and Leisha Parker said...

Hey girl, it is good to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. I love what God is doing in my life, part of that is learning to focus on the good.