Friday, August 17, 2007

Just a Thought

In the early 80's Pepsi started the "Pepsi Challenge." Up until then, Coke had completely destroyed Pepsi in drink sells. Side not, if you are from the south everything is a coke. Do you want a coke? Yes, I will take a Dr Pepper, everything is a coke first. I digress. After the Pepsi Challenge, Coke begin to lose its control of the market. In response to their decline, they created "New Coke" and it was HORRIABLE! As Coke studied the "Pepsi Challenge" they fcund out that the reason Pepsi won on a sip test, was that it was sweeter than Coke, but when Coke and Pepsi were sent home, Coke always out lasted Pepsi and people would chose Coke for the long haul.

My point is this, this world can be fun for a moment (a sip test) but in the end you are left with nothing (coming down from a sugar rush). Jesus is the real deal, His ways will lead you to a life you can only dream of (John 10:10). No one ever says I hated living for God after 20 yrs, but many people regreat a moment of sin (Drugs, Alchool...)

Jesus is the REAL Deal and He has lasting power, chose JESUS

1 comment:

Jessy Russell said...

So next time someone asks what kind of coke I want...I'm supposed to say "Jesus" right?

You got the right one baby....oh wait...wrong jingle.