Saturday, June 21, 2008

American Idol Worship

I read some excerpts of a book, called Jim and Casper Go to Church, and I wanted to share a part of it. Jim is a former pastor and Casper (last name) is an atheist. Together they visited mega churches around the US and wrote about their experience. Here is a eye opening comment on worship.

[Jim: “On a scale of 1 to 5, how do you rate the music?”]

Two stars. That’s all I can do for you here.

For presentation and professionalism, they get a 4 or a 5, but the music is too contrived, too slick, too professional, really.

[Jim: “But that’s a good thing, no? That should attract people, right?”]

Maybe people who like American Idol. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I see the entertainment value, but when it comes to music, I like it pure. Too much polish and you lose the heartfelt power, you lose the soul of the music, and you’re not going to move anyone.

That blew my mind as I read that. How often do we in Pentecost focus SOOOO much on "professionalism" when what people really need is for our music to be "pure." What Casper is really saying to me is simple, without the anointing all of our professional music is worthless!

We like to be professional, because it makes us feel good. My church music rocks! We have the best band, talented singers, professional musicians, but do we have the anointing?

Where is the "heartfelt power" of our music. Do we have the anointing, or do we have professionalism? I've been chewing on this for about 2 weeks.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

the good, the bad, and the redeemed

Kids Kamp 2008 is over! What a year it was. I have been a part of kids kamp for 10 years and this year was one of the greatest kamps we have ever had. I'm a little partial, b/c 7 of New Life's kids got the Holy Ghost. To be honest I was a little skeptical that they would get the holy ghost, boy was I wrong :) It wasn't that the SALT team was so good, or the music was so good, or the preaching was so good, it was simply the expectations of those kids. They expected to get the Holy Ghost. I think to often as young preachers, we think that if we don't have the lights, smoke, and crazy music young people want respond, but we must remember its not us, our methods, or our creative ideas that save people, its God. Don't get me wrong, I love lights, smoke, wild music and all that, but I don't think its what brings changes. It makes us feel like rock stars, but all we need is God. I watched this week as G.A. Mangun at 89 talk to kids and they listen, no smoke, no lights, no video, just God. I believe we should use relevant methods and keep the changing message, but if push comes to shove, give me the message, you take the methods.

Kamp was awesome and I can't wait till next year.