Monday, August 27, 2007

My baby is growing up...

My lil Maggie girl is growing up...I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I remember when she was so tiny she couldnt even jump onto the couch, now she is jumping on the bed. She is gone for the next few days to get her lil surgery done, so everyone pray for her. She loves yall and i know u guys love her too...keep her in your prayers :)


Monday, August 20, 2007

I just need ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!

Ever wonder why there are only seven day in a week? why not eight? i just need one more day...seriously, my "do absolutely nothing" day. If i were the rule maker back then...eight day weeks would be the way to go. This sparked my interest. so i looked into it.......but searching for a reason to have a day all to myself, i realized there is someone way more important who needs a day...

So Sunday, to christians, is God's day, a day of rest. Yet ironically, the name Sunday has nothing to do with God. It's named after the sun, because the romans wanted to show their respect for the sun by letting it have the first day of the week...whats up with that? They should of given us ten day weeks just to make up for that dumb decision...

Ok, u thought sunday was named for a retarded reason...listen to monday. since the sun was honored, nobody wanted the moon to get jealous so they had to pay their respect to the moon as well. Also, it's referred to as the blue day. Nobody for sure knows why, but the reason i liked was that blue is associated with depression. And since monday begins the work week, don't we all get a lil depressed?

Tuesday has a long drawn out story...basically it was named after the Roman god of war, Mardi Gras, fat tuesday....funny how so far none of these names have anything to do with the one and only true GOD.

Wednesday, another day named after a false god, Odin. He was the chief god of Asgard so i guess he must have deserved a day too....Wednesday also called hump day...awkward...its the "middle of the week" day

Moving along...Thursday named after the god of thunder..dont know why, probably another boring story, but i like thursday because Thanksgiving is always on a thursday...yummy

TGIF...the most favorite, popular, and looked forward to day of the week (is that a fragment?) anyway, named after Frigga (Odin's wife). She was the goddess of marriage, to the Romans named after the goddess of beauty. This is the first day named after a female....and who doesnt love fridays??

Saturday, named after a roman festival. It is a day free of work...thats always good....

So, seven days. None of which were named after the actual God who worked the first six days and rested the seventh. None even mention respect to the real God who created these crazy roman people. Nobody even honored the awesome God who started it all, invented the day in the first place. Not fair huh. So i vote we have an eighth day completely named after our amazing, awesome, powerful creator...tell me what you think? what should it be called??


Friday, August 17, 2007

Just a Thought

In the early 80's Pepsi started the "Pepsi Challenge." Up until then, Coke had completely destroyed Pepsi in drink sells. Side not, if you are from the south everything is a coke. Do you want a coke? Yes, I will take a Dr Pepper, everything is a coke first. I digress. After the Pepsi Challenge, Coke begin to lose its control of the market. In response to their decline, they created "New Coke" and it was HORRIABLE! As Coke studied the "Pepsi Challenge" they fcund out that the reason Pepsi won on a sip test, was that it was sweeter than Coke, but when Coke and Pepsi were sent home, Coke always out lasted Pepsi and people would chose Coke for the long haul.

My point is this, this world can be fun for a moment (a sip test) but in the end you are left with nothing (coming down from a sugar rush). Jesus is the real deal, His ways will lead you to a life you can only dream of (John 10:10). No one ever says I hated living for God after 20 yrs, but many people regreat a moment of sin (Drugs, Alchool...)

Jesus is the REAL Deal and He has lasting power, chose JESUS

My First Post

Ok, here goes. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my thoughts (what little there are).

We just came back from our annual youth retreat and it was awesome. Ryan and Shari Dean were our special guest and they did an unbelievable job of connecting with the youth group. If you have never been to theRevolutions youth retreat, you are missing out on an incrediable experience.

Me and the youth staff took 50 students to Gatlinburg, TN and went white water rafting, which was an experience in itself. I was so proud of our youth group as they showed that you can be crazy (BARBARA!!!) and also still be passionatly in love with God.

My most memoriable time at this year retreat, was the transition from crazy fun, to crazy moves of God. We went from watching the Saints game into powerful moves of God, in minutes.

With as much pride as I can have, theRevolution is the greatest youth group in the WORLD and I'm privalaged to be their Student Pastor.